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- Restaurant St, Delicious City,
London 9578, UK - Open: 9.30 am - 2.30pm
- booking@domainame.com
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At the end of the swimming pool a hidden path winds along the cliff face to our secluded Tree House. Set against the basalt rock bed, amongst the branches of a riverine Ebony tree, this house spreads out over a sustainable pine deck that guarantees incredible views of the Zambezi River. The king size bed has a large, canopied mosquito net with air conditioning and the extensive space can also be used for private dining and lounging. The bathroom’s crowning glory is a perfectly positioned claw footed bath and from the Anatolian carpets to the Asian chests and West African artwork the Tree House invokes exotic day dreams. All the inclusive Tongabezi activities are available... but this house is so much part of the surroundings that you can experience the beauty and majesty of Zambia without setting a foot outside.
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