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- Restaurant St, Delicious City,
London 9578, UK - Open: 9.30 am - 2.30pm
- booking@domainame.com
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The Solio Reserve is internationally recognised as the most successful private rhino breeding reserve in Kenya and visitors will find that sightings of up to 40 rhinoceros at a time are not uncommon. The wildlife experience here is intense and exclusive with 19,000 acres of conservancy surrounded by 45,000 acres of ranch and just one lodge – Solio Lodge – in the middle of it. At Solio Lodge we offer a wide range of activities. Night and day game drives offer guests a chance to see many species including black and white rhinoceros, leopard, lion, cheetah, buffalo, zebra, giraffe, warthog... There are other exciting ways to see the terrain, among them walking, horse riding and mountain biking around Solio Ranch. You can take a helicopter ride to nearby Mount Kenya and enjoy a hilltop picnic breakfast, or go trout fishing in the Aberdare National Park. Back at the Lodge you can relax with the help from our massage therapists who are available for in-room treatments. Join us on our Kosher Safari in Solio Reserve, where you can experience the breathtaking scenery and incredible wildlife that Kenya has to offer.