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- Restaurant St, Delicious City,
London 9578, UK - Open: 9.30 am - 2.30pm
- booking@domainame.com
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Ol Malo is a privately-owned family ranch and game sanctuary in Kenya’s wild Northern Laikipia Province, the heartland of the Samburu tribe.
Join the Francombe family at their beautiful home in the heart of the African bush for an intimate and highly personal experience of luxury ranch living.
Ol Malo is situated in the deserts of Samburuland, Northern Kenya, on what was an overgrazed cattle ranch. The 5,000-acre holding has been transformed into a prime, and beautiful, conservation site. Being a family owned and operated ranch there is endless fun to be had from game drives and picnics to riding, walking, fishing, medicinal plant walks and learning how to survive like a Samburu…and that’s just the tip of the iceberg.
Kick off your shoes and relax in your own personal bush home, experiencing Kenyan life as we live it at whatever pace you choose.