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De Hoop Nature Reserve is located on the eastern part of Bredasdorp, approximately 260 km from Cape Town. The offers some of the best whale watching experiences in the world.
An estimated 120 whales return to the waters of De Hoop every year to calve and mate, and from vantage point s such as the high dunes at Koppie Alleen are an excellent vantage point make this a must for everyone who loves beach and nature. The Whale season is between June and November, with the peak months between August and September.
De Hoop Nature Reserve Attractions include
The offshore breeding grounds of the Southern right whale
Rare and endangered plant life
Beautiful hiking trails
The reserve has 86 mammal species such as the Cape Mountain Zebra, Leopard and rare Bontebok
250 species of fish including Dolphins and seals
Huge sand dunes and tidal rock pools