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- Restaurant St, Delicious City,
London 9578, UK - Open: 9.30 am - 2.30pm
- booking@domainame.com
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A unique wilderness experience, famous for its life changing elephant encounters, RiverBend Lodge also enjoys a reputation as an excellent culinary, birding and photographic destination, employing an in-house professional photographer to assist guests, as well as a birding specialist.
RiverBend Lodge is a true family destination. All children are welcome and special care is taken to ensure that all ages have a truly memorable experience. With this in mind it is important to note that families with children are allocated dedicated safari vehicles, thus ensuring that couples without children then also have a vehicle without children present, enabling all to relax and enjoy the experience that RiverBend offers to its full potential.
Over and above the eight standalone suites RiverBend also offers PepperGrove Cottage, a large sprawling stand alone Colonial House.