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The two sets of Star Beds are unique to Loisaba. The first and original set are located among a kopje of rocks in one of the eastern valleys overlooking the "Kiboko" waterhole. The second set is located about 8 kilometres further south on the banks of the Ewaso N'giro River. These are cantilevered over the flowing river below and are reached by footbridge from the opposite bank.
These are named "Koija" Star Beds and are part of an exciting new joint venture project that Loisaba has undertaken in partnership with the Laikipiak Maasai people from the Koija community.
Each Star Bed dramatically designed, handcrafted wooden raised platform, and partially covered with a thatched roof. Homemade "Mukokoteni" (uniquely designed bed on wheels), can either be wheeled onto the open deck area for a night under the stars, or left under the shelter of the roof.
All the beds have complete "four-poster" insect netting. The Star Beds are normally reached by one of many options; on foot, horse, camel or vehicle and with two sets now in place create a unique opportunity to travel between them both as part of a Star Bed Expedition.
Guests are guided and hosted by a team of traditional Samburu and Laikipiak Maasai warriors. Kiboko, the more recently renovated, comprises of 3 doubles and 1 twin or family platform. Each double platform is designed for 1 or 2 people. The family platform accommodates 4 people (sharing bathroom facilities). Each platform is en-suite and has solar electricity, hot running water and flush toilets. The platforms are sited to ensure complete privacy. Koija starbeds comprise of, 2 double rooms and 1 twin or family platform Each double platform is designed for 1 or 2 people. The family platform accommodates 4 people (sharing bathroom facilities). Koija is a little bit more traditional with traditional bucket showers and lamps for lighting.
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