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Little Mombo is an extension of and shares the same island as the larger Mombo Camp, matching its high standards. It offers the same abundant big game viewing – some of the best in Botswana – and overlooks a floodplain that is a beautiful setting for a variety of wildlife. The camp, built under a shady canopy, has luxurious and spacious guest rooms under canvas, each with en-suite facilities, outdoor shower and individual sala.
Little Mombo - Standard Tents
There are three luxurious guest tents with two twin beds in each tent. Custom made linen enables twin beds to be converted into a king sized bed on request in all tents. There is one guide tent which is shared with Mombo Main Camp – it is of similar standard as a guest tent, but much smaller in size.
Little Mombo has only three rooms, but larger groups can also book out some of the rooms in the main camp. Little Mombo also has its own dining room, kitchen, lounge and plunge pool. Activities include morning and afternoon game drives in open 4x4 vehicles to view the high concentrations of plains game and their predators, which include all the big cats.
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