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- Restaurant St, Delicious City,
London 9578, UK - Open: 9.30 am - 2.30pm
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Lamai Serengeti sits tucked amongst the rocks of Kogakuria Kopje with panoramic views of the surrounding landscape, just a few miles from where the wildebeest cross the Mara River. For roughly a quarter of the year, between late July and October, this is where you'll find the migration. Right here, on our doorstep.
We've designed each of the rooms to fit into the complex geometry of the kopje and to make the most of this sensational location, its views and its natural space and light.
At Lamai Serengeti we have just 12 rooms in all. These are split between two entirely separate lodges, the Main Lodge of 8 rooms and our smaller Private Lodge of 4 rooms.
Each site has been carefully thought out. Firstly and most importantly, with the elements in mind, to take maximum advantage of the view, the sun, the wind and even the rain, welcome when it comes.
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