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- Restaurant St, Delicious City,
London 9578, UK - Open: 9.30 am - 2.30pm
- booking@domainame.com
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Nasikia presents Kaskaz Mara Camp, a short drive from Kogatende Airstrip and the exciting Mara River viewing area. The ten tented suites are superbly located to provide a indulgent base for optimal migration viewing all through out the year. With large netted windows and draped roofing in each suite for Serengeti-style air conditioning, cotton curtains dancing on the breeze, oversized beds, indoor and out door furnishings of style, expansive floor space, great hardwood double vanities, handcarved decor with Swahili flair. Kaskaz Mara Camp proposes style and grace in the far northern Serengeti. The camp is available for drive in or game package clients, all while taking special care to illustrate the unique environment they are welcomed to. Explore the intriguing wilderness on foot with our in-house armed walking guide; follow the tracks, smell the herds on the breeze and hear the crunch of fauna underfoot.