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- Restaurant St, Delicious City,
London 9578, UK - Open: 9.30 am - 2.30pm
- booking@domainame.com
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Duba Expedition Camp sits in the heart of classic Okavango Delta floodplains habitat, traditionally an ecozone that has the best wildlife viewing potential. A matrix of palm-dotted islands, flood plains and woodland, this 77,000 hectare private concession typifies the region’s unique landscape.
The intimate camp consists of six expedition-style tents of light airy canvas on slightly raised decking, each with views of the surrounding floodplain. Each tent is stylishly furnished and designed by Dereck and Beverly, using their sensibilities of the ‘expedition’ and ‘exploring’, offering campaign writing desk and private verandah plus en-suite facilities consisting of flush loo, double vanities and indoor shower. Fans and careful open air design maintain comfortable climate for rest and relaxation. The main area is under sweeping marquee canvas, on raised decking and consists of an open-concept dining and lounge area that opens to the outdoors on all sides.
Duba Expedition Camp prides itself on its extraordinary wildlife experiences, and rightly so. The diverse wildlife experience is renowned with regular sightings of a diverse range of species, including large herds of lechwe, kudu, tsessebe and giraffe. Very large herds of elephants and buffalo move around the camp and hippo trudge through the swamps creating their channels and paths daily. Lions, leopards and hyenas in large numbers make up the predator components. Leopard, and a wide range of smaller nocturnal cats, hunt around the fringes of the waterways and are often seen on our night drives. Enjoy guided walks, boating opportunities or open air game drives and revel in the delights of one of the most varied and expansive wildlife areas in the world.
Birds abound, and the area is reputed as a birdwatcher’s paradise. Okavango ‘specials’ include the rare Wattled crane, Pel’s Fishing owl, White-backed Night heron and Marsh owl.