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- Restaurant St, Delicious City,
London 9578, UK - Open: 9.30 am - 2.30pm
- booking@domainame.com
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Drift to sleep in sheer luxury…and rise to a chorus of birdsong and wildlife at your suite’s doorstep!
Whatever your accommodation preference, wildlife is always within viewing distance – and earshot – at Cheetah Ridge Lodge. Imagine viewing hippos, waterbuck and a host of other wild animals, congregating at a watering hole at close range, from the comfort of your private viewing deck. Or in the early morning, observing the African Fish Eagle, known as ‘the voice of Africa’ for its distinctive ringing cry, make a ‘kill’ as it swoops down to feed on its primary diet of fish, snatching its prey from the water with its large, clawed talons.
And, when you turn in for the night, enjoying the solitude and splendour of this pristine wilderness, with just the whistling call of the fiery-necked nightjar to lull you to sleep.
Cheetah Ridge offers accommodation to suit couples and solo travellers, families and groups.
Set in spectacular surroundings, Cheetah Ridge Lodge’s three tailored accommodation options make it the ideal destination for families, couples and solo travellers — not to mention game and bird watchers, battlefield and photo-safari tourists. It may also be used for business meetings and small conferences.
These options include:
Fully-catered accommodation in 10 luxury suites overlooking a private watering hole
A family suite, which sleeps up to six people, situated in the Main Lodge
Nambiti House is a separately run self-catering lodge, located on the Cheetah Ridge grounds – perfect for a relaxed family getaway, or retreat with friends.