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Nestled in mopane scrub on white calcrete soils, Andersson’s Camp is situated 4.5km from Etosha’s Andersson Gate. The camp was named after Swedish explorer Charles Andersson – one of the first Europeans to ‘discover’ Etosha, Africa’s largest saltpan.
The resurrected former farmstead that stands on the site now forms the centre of a charming camp fronting onto a productive waterhole. The 20 tented en-suite units are raised on decks for an enhanced view of the waterhole and surrounding plains. The camp is an exciting example of sustainable construction; this model of eco-sensitive lodging provides an authentic, safe and down-to-earth experience for small groups, families and independent travellers to the Etosha region and is easily accessible by either road or air.
Activities include day trips into Etosha, nature walks and night game drives on Ongava Game Reserve.
For Independent reviews of Andersson’s Camp on TRIP ADVISOR Click Here