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- Restaurant St, Delicious City,
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The pristine white beaches of Mnemba, surrounded by deep blue ocean, combine to make this intimate island your own private tropical paradise. Mnemba is inhabited only by guests and the staff taking care of them. While the dazzling sands and brilliant sunshine invite you to spend idle hours on shore, magnificent coral reefs create an underwater wonderland that lures you to explore the warm, crystal clear waters of the Indian Ocean. Scores of snorkelling and diving sites form a gateway to a world of incredible sea creatures.
This exquisite private island with its white coral sand beaches and spectacular coral reefs is renowned as one of the world’s most romantic ocean destinations, offering a seclusion and rustic exclusivity unparalleled on the African coastline.
Set off the northeastern tip of Zanzibar and surrounded by a coral atoll, Mnemba is home to a staggering diversity of marine life. In an effort to protect and preserve these precious ecosystems, &Beyond has partnered with the Zanzibar government and the local fishing communities to have the atoll and its surroundings proclaimed the Mnemba Island Marine Conservation Area.
Mnemba Island Lodge offers a sheer unpretentious paradise – just ten rustic palm-frond bandas are tucked in a tropical forest fringed by a white coral sand beach. A covered walkway leads to a shuttered ensuite bathroom with huge glass beaded shower. Zanzibar is famous for its intricate, detailed woodcarvings and the scrolled headboards adorning the beds are created by some of the Island’s most skilled artisans. Built-in barazas on the veranda are perfect for afternoon siestas, and private beach salas feature traditional Zanzibari loungers for languid hours.
For Independent reviews of Mnemba Island Lodge on TRIP ADVISOR Click Here
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